What does it mean to Live Fertile?
To LIVE FERTILE is to live a joyful, mindful, connected, and creative life. It’s caring for your mind, body, and spirit with yoga, journaling, meditation, and embodiment practices to support your overall and reproductive health.
Enhancing your fertility, supporting your pregnancy, and replenishing yourself after pregnancy isn’t something you do through force or trying to control your body. It’s something you set the stage for by supporting yourself with simple, sustainable, life-giving habits.
Our bodies, hormones, and fertility are incredibly complex, but supporting and enhancing our well-being can be simple and enjoyable.
Fertility-Supporting Food
What we choose to eat affects our mood, fertility, health, energy levels, and productivity. Every bite we take has the potential to delight our senses, replenish our bodies and minds, and lift our spirits. Choosing deliciously nourishing foods is a great way to show yourself some love.
Embodiment Practices and Movement
Say no thank you to disconnecting from your body’s innate wisdom and guidance to follow self-proclaimed wellness “experts”, algorithm based-cycle tracking apps (that don’t take into account how unique each cycle can be), and fear-based recommendations parroted on social media. Instead, tap into your senses, sensations, and sensuality to get the inside scoop on what your body really needs.
Rejuvenation is all about taking the time to rest, getting the right amount of sleep for your body, and doing things that restore your peace, joy, and energy so you can make the most of each day.
Tending to our spiritual needs is essential to creating a more fruitful life. A spiritual life that has been nurtured and developed leads to a more resilient and vibrant life.
Integrative Exploration
Aromatherapy, supplementation, meditation, music therapy, acupuncture, massage, the list of integrative and functional approaches for maximizing your wellbeing is practically endless. They're incredibly powerful tools that energize, support, and enhance the life and body you're creating.
Being a part of a supportive community and practicing self love are the often overlooked keys to creating a thriving life. Love yourself and love others. All good and permanent change starts here.
Emotional Wellbeing
Emotional health plays a huge role in physical health. Find ways to add more whimsy, wonder, and tranquility to your life and watch your body become more vibrant.